coco chips : MOQ : 5000 kg price: 1.2, chunks of coconut husks, Hydroponics, Soilless cultivation.

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Sold by JK Agro Export

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Composition: Coco chips are derived from the fibrous outer husk of coconuts. The husks are processed and shredded into small, uniform-sized chips or chunks. They are brown in color and have a fibrous texture.

Water Retention and Aeration: Coco chips have excellent water retention capabilities while also providing good drainage. The fibrous structure of the chips allows for efficient air circulation and prevents compaction, ensuring proper oxygen supply to plant roots. This balance of water retention and aeration promotes healthy root development.

pH Neutral and Nutrient-Rich: Coco chips have a naturally neutral pH, which means they are not acidic or alkaline. This neutrality allows for better control over the pH levels of the growing medium. Additionally, coco chips contain a variety of essential plant nutrients, including potassium, phosphorus, and micronutrients, which can be gradually released to support plant growth.

Weed and Pest Resistance: Coco chips have natural resistance to weeds and pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides or herbicides. This makes them a more environmentally friendly option for plant cultivation.

Sustainability and Reusability: Coco chips are a sustainable growing medium as they are made from a renewable resource, the coconut husk. They are biodegradable and can be safely composted after use. Coco chips can also be reused for multiple growing cycles with proper sterilization and preparation.

Versatility: Coco chips can be used in various applications, such as potting mixes, hydroponics systems, seed starting, and as a component in soil amendments. They can be blended with other growing media like peat moss or perlite to create customized potting mixes tailored to specific plant requirements.

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